ready to


your Limiting beliefs?

Sound Therapy & Leadership Coaching

to Level up in all areas of your life.

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illuminating truth in the self to advance our collective harmony.


I’m a vessel holding space for your journey, your inner transformation, and your healing which is already within you.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Music Education at NYU and learned how sound affects our brains and nervous systems at Sound School Levels 1 & 2 at Maha Rose. I combine this knowledge with leadership frameworks and practices learned while participating at Coro Leadership NY, NYC’s premier civic leadership training program, and Moving Worlds Institute, a global social-impact leadership training program.

I use a blend of the philosophies and practices below to guide our work together.


The practice of adaptive leadership trains your ability to reflect on the past with a lens for growth, honesty, and surrender.

It invites us to be present with what’s working and what’s needed to make a change.

And finally, It guides us to envision a new future, build structures and culture that invite change, learning, and continuous growth.


Sound is a potent tool for healing.

I use instruments such as crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, shakers, and chimes to entrain the body and mind to enter into the alpha and theta brain wave state. The state of mind where our most subconscious thoughts and beliefs exist.

We’ll use sound to enter the island of your subconscious mind and connect to your intentions or integrate new concepts.


In Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Marie Brown, she writes that some of the core principles of Emergent Strategy are:

  • Never a failure, always a lesson.

  • Change is constant, (adapt and) be like water.

  • Small is good. The large is a reflection of the small.

  • Trust the people. Move at the speed of trust.

  • What you pay attention to grows.

  • There’s always enough time for the right work.



  • Sound Healing

    Sound Healing

    Dive into a deep exploration of your subconscious mind with the help of sound frequencies and instruments meant to help you heal through trauma, find clarity or transform limiting beliefs.

    • Individual Sound Within Sessions

    • Couples Sound Sessions

    • Individual Sound Baths

  • Leadership Coaching

    Learn what it takes to level up your leadership style to create the change you want to see. Coaching sessions will incorporate a blend of adaptive leadership, emergent strategy, and mindfulness techniques.

    • Individual Leadership Coaching

    • Team Leadership Training

  • Private Events

    Private Events

    Let’s join forces and create some magic. Have an idea for an event or retreat? Want to celebrate your team with a gift of restoration? Interested in a sound bath for your wedding party? Let’s dream it up together.

    • Corporate wellness events

    • Schools & Teachers

    • Private Parties

What people are saying

  • Julie ann Otis:

    Energy Healer & Somatic Therapist:

    “Working with Lucia completely transformed my life. There's something very magical about the way she invited me into my own journey into my subconscious mind. It was so supportive and natural. her coaching at the beginning and end of the journey was very insightful. It helped me prepare for my journey and integrate what I found once our session was over.

    She has a spiritual and intuitive maturity that very few coaches have.

    Rather than being prescriptive or sticking to an agenda, she leads with a powerful and receptive healing mode that allows for natural healing and insight.”

  • Zander Grashow:

    CEO, Change Everything & Co-author, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership

    "Lucia is both a force of nature and welcomes our true nature in. She is a gifted guide, leadership coach, and sound healer who brings forward what is important and needed.

    Any team or individual looking to engage their life force and focus with the right mix of challenge, support, direction, and care should engage Lucia.

    She is gifted and a gift to your journey.”

  • Felicia Salinas Zaragoza:

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Manager, Meta – Facebook

    “Lucia’s sound therapy and coaching techniques have empowered me to approach my healing process in a new and insightful way.

    The spiritual journey that she has guided me through has enabled me to make new breakthroughs that have brought me a new perspective in my approach of living my life wholeheartedly.”

  • Noeline Kirabo:

    Executive Director, Kyusa

    “As a business leader, I was seeking answers about the frequent burnout cycles in my life. I didn't know what to expect so I came with an open mind and heart, as a result, I was able to gain clarity about the matter.

    It was an enriching experience; I was able to get grounded and find the answers I seek from within me. I highly recommend Lucia because she was able to calm my nerves and help me connect with my inner self.”

  • Patria Alguila:

    NYC Healthcare Industry

    “Prior to Lucia Luminate, I had never heard of sound healing before. In one session, Lucia guided me to a place where I was able to (gain insight) into who God has purposed me to be and things to embark on in the future. Another impactful session was being able to see my inner child and let her know that things have turned out well.

    This ministry helps to either start the journey of self-discovery and healing or continue that path if you are already there. I recommend at least two sessions to start because Lucia truly has not only a gift, but you are a better human after your session with her.”

  • Jaiel Mitchell

    Performing Artist

    A sound bath with Lucia is not just a relaxing experience, but it is a spiritual one, in which I always leave feeling transformed and better connected to myself. Which to me is the most important gift I can have these days. "




Lucia [loo-see-uh] (noun): 

a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “light.”

Luminate [lü-mə-ˌnāt]  (transitive verb)

A: to supply or brighten with light

B: to make luminous or shining

C: to enlighten spiritually or intellectually

D: to subject to radiation